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Gluconeogenesis - Biochemistry

Gluconeogenesis is to make new glucose from non-carbon precursors which are lactate, glycerol, amino acids, and fatty acids. Gluco Neo Genesis = Make new glucose It occurs at kidneys and liver when there is enough energy in our body. It is like making glucose so ATP will not be wasted. 4 crucial enzymes: Pyruvate Carboxylase, Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) Carboxykinase, Fructose-1,6-Bisphosphatase, and Glucose-6-Phosphatase. 1] Pyruvate Carboxylase: -Pyruvate → Oxaloacetate (OAA) -Need ATP, Bicarbonat e HCO 3 - as substrates -Biotin as co-enzymes -Acetyl-CoA is an allosteric activator -Pyruvate carboxylase found only in mitochondrial matrix -OAA cannot be transported across mithochondrial membrane -OAA change into malate, transported across mitochondiral membrane Pyruvate + HCO 3 - + ATP  → Oxoloacetate + ADP + Pi This is a compartmentalized reaction. Pyruvates from glycolysis that are entering into mitochondria for TCA Cycle will convert to OAA in the mitochondria b...

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